Client Feedback . . .
Ellen H. (TN) - "I received my soap in the mail today, Cyndi. Thank you so much! I almost couldn't throw the postal packaging away because it smelled so good! As soon as I could manage it, I retreated to a bathtub full of hot water and a bar of Mango and Mandarin and stayed there luxuriating as long as I could. Seriously, with a bar of your soap a shower becomes as lovely as a hot soaky bath, and a hot soaky bath is like a Day At The Spa. My skin LOVES your soap!!!"
Julica D, (Germany - cosmetics/fashion model) "I love your soap. I have very sensitive, dry skin, which gets neurodermatitis and allergies. For a long time I used medical soap, with little or none effect. Since I've used your soap all skin-problems are gone. It is a miracle! So I can really say loud, that my beauty is a direct effect of your soap! The human skin is the biggest organ we have. It must defend every second of our life our body from the attacks from environment, against germs, viruses, weather, sun, pollution. If the skin is not intact, the whole body's health is in danger! So a good skin-care for me is more than cosmetic, it is an investment into life!"
Linda S. (WA) - "I love my soap. I just washed my hands -- and I love the smell and how my hands feel. They feel soft, and not dry as with most soaps. The lather is perfect -- but how clean it makes you feel is what I noticed most. Refreshing!"
Barbara B. (NJ) - "I have just added you to my favorites so that I don't lose you. I've now gone two winters without skin problems on my face. My skin used to turn beet red, peel and crack. No more. I even have my 11 year old son using your soaps, though he looks for the manly colors and scents :-) "
Carole G. (CA) - "I've been using your soaps to help with my little girl's baby acne problem. It was gone within a couple of days!"
Dionne C. (NE) - "Okay, ordering again! My husband is hooked! Your soaps were a huge hit at Christmas. My 18 yr old niece couldn't stop sniffing the Jazzmine scented bar I gave her! I gave some to my mom and mother-in-law and used one for myself and now it's gone! My husband wants more! He loves it! I'll want some on hand for gifts when I need them. I have to share it with all my friends!